Sunday, February 18, 2007


I'm blogging again. Drum roll, please.

I've been busy. Finished a second book. Nearly finished a third, but had to put it aside (again) before writing the final chapters, because the release date of THE CHARMSTONE is drawing near. Marketing efforts for it are rolling along. Make that steamrolling along. Make that steamrolling OVER me. I hired a publicist to help.

The book is generating a little excitement and some local buzz. I've been invited to hold a book launch party and signing at the very posh JD Challenger Art Gallery in Carefree, Arizona. JD Challenger is America's leading artist of Native Americans. The people in his paintings seem to speak to the viewer through their eyes if not their spirit. You can see a sample of JD's amazing work on his website at

Celebrating the debut of THE CHARMSTONE at the gallery seems fitting as the book is set in Monument Valley, the wildest, most remote part of the Navajo Reservation. We're sending 1000 invitations. We'll feature Charmstone wine from Pine Ridge Winery in Napa. I'll blog more about this event as it draws near.

Meanwhile, pre-publication reviews of THE CHARMSTONE are coming in. I close my eyes, almost afraid to read them, then experience a twitch in my heart when I peek and see that the reviewer not only got it, but liked it. And is recommending it! Oh, my!

Here's what Booklist will say in their March 1, 2007 issue: Harrison's top-notch romantic suspense sheds light on the beauty of the land and culture of the Navajo.

Top-notch, they said. I like that. Thank you.

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